Saiph is designed by passionate people with a commitment to expose (detect / stop) the illicit financial flows that affect all of us. Financial Crimes are not victimless crimes. Detecting these activities sooner and more effectively will improve outcomes for the organisations we protect, the jobs we do and can make a true difference for the victims. This knowledge inspires our work. Your actions today WILL make a difference. Our system helps you make these critical decisions, faster.
Orion is one of the most well-known constellations in the night sky. This is a group of stars in the shape of a hunter. The ancient Greeks named it after their legendary hero, Orion. Orion’s belt holds a sword and the brightest star is named SAIPH meaning “sword of the giant”.
Taking inspiration from this great hunter who protects and defends, we designed a system to make detection of illicit financial flows faster to defend your organisations, embolden(encourage, invigorate) your efforts to fight financial criminals and take critical actions to protect victims.
We believe so much more can be done than what is currently accepted and funded. Within a 5B dollar industry, we have a 2% effectiveness. This is unacceptable. Saiph was created to challenge that status quo, to be a catalyst, and to protect victims by design.
Designed by MLRO’s to make decisioning simple and at speed. Saiph supports key features such as Real-time Compliance Monitoring, Customised Dynamic Compliance Rules, and Automated Regulatory Compliance Reporting.
Rather than spending untold hours looking for information, your teams are spending time making decisions that they were hired to make, faster and having greater job satisfaction in the process. Due to features such as Gamification, Enhanced Training, Regulator-Friendly Features, and Positive Reinforcement.
Simple Explanations and Reporting provide for Improved Security and Compliance. Supported by key features as Streamlined Processes, Full Audit Trail, Automated Compliance Reporting, Regulator-Friendly Dynamic Rules, Advanced Analytics, and Real-time Compliance Monitoring.
Use your comprehensive customer intel effectively – this isn’t about solving everything – it's about using what you do have to a much greater advantage.
We have created a compliance officer's dashboard that will help you to access all of our features. It's easy to use, and allows you to monitor all of your compliance activities, set up rules, and explore individual cases. Supported by Dynamic Rules, Flexible Workflows, Customised Data Fields, Streamlined KYC Processes, and Automated Data Extraction and Validation.
Saiph facilitates the management of individual user profiles and the screening for the potential risks associated with money laundering, by providing an End-User centric interface. The platform is focused on Gamification to Increase Engagement, Improve Compliance Results, with Enhanced Automated Training Features, and Positive Reinforcement.
Saiph is built to grow with your organisation. The Cloud-Based Architecture supports Auto-Scaling, High-Availability, Performance Optimisation, and the platform allows for seamless integration with any of your existing systems.
Saiph has established an advisory board of industry-leading experts (6) to review the product, advise on new developments and methods for detection, and to advocate for a smarter approach to the detection and prevention of financial crime.
Founder & CEO